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Last Updated on: 12th January 2024, 04:36 pm

Vintage 1935 Queen Mary in her Youth The Illustrated LONDON News Article

Dimensions: 9 3/4 inches x 14 1/2 inches
Publisher: The Illustrated London News 1935

The Queen in her youth: Her Majesty as a child and as a young woman

Her Majesty Queen Mary, was born at Kensington Palace on May 26, 1867, the only daughter of H.H. the Duke of Teck and of his wife, H.R.H. Princess Mary, younger daughter of H.R.H. Adolphus Frederick, first Duke of Cambridge, son of King George III.

The future Queen was christened Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes. She married her cousin, then Duke of York on July 6, 1893, at the Chapel Royal, St. James’s Palace, after his accession to the throne on the death of his father, King Edward VII, was crowned Queen at Westminster Abbey when His Majesty was crowned on June 22, 1911.


This vintage piece from 1935 is an article about Queen Mary in her youth, providing a glimpse into the early life of a royal figure. The article features several photographs that capture Her Majesty at various stages of her early life, from childhood to her young adult years. It details her birth at Kensington Palace as the only daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Teck, and granddaughter of Adolphus Frederick, the first Duke of Cambridge and son of King George III.

The article also touches upon Queen Mary’s christening with the full name Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes and narrates her marriage to her cousin, the Duke of York, who later became King George V. Her coronation as Queen alongside her husband is also highlighted, marking a significant event in British royal history.

The dimensions of the article suggest it’s a full-page feature, a common format for significant stories in The Illustrated London News, a publication known for its comprehensive coverage of events and personalities of the time.

This piece would not only be of interest to collectors of royal memorabilia but also to those who appreciate historical documentation of Britain’s monarchy. It serves as a precious memento of the past, capturing the essence of a bygone era through the personal and public journey of Queen Mary.
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Queen Mary at seven years old (1873)

The photograph from 1873 captures a young Queen Mary at seven years old, providing a rare and charming glimpse into the early childhood of a future British monarch. In the image, Her Majesty appears engaged in a playful moment which underscores the universal and timeless nature of childhood, regardless of royal status. This photograph not only holds historical significance but also serves as a touching reminder of the personal life behind the public figure of Queen Mary. It’s a snapshot that humanises the royal experience, showing that before the responsibilities of monarchy, there was a child with her own simple joys and moments of innocence.

The Queen with her brothers in 1870: a photograph at the age of four

The photograph depicts a young Queen Mary at the age of four, accompanied by her brothers in the year 1870. It’s a snapshot that captures the innocence and family dynamics of the then-royal children. The candidness of this moment offers a glimpse into the relaxed and personal side of royal life, away from the formalities and public duties that would later define their adult lives. It’s a tender piece of history, preserving the early years of Queen Mary, who would go on to become an important figure in British monarchy. Such photographs are treasured for their historical significance and their ability to humanise figures often seen only through the lens of their royal status.

The Queen as a little girl: A posed portrait taken when she was about six

The photograph shows Queen Mary at around six years of age, posed and dressed in the attire of the late 19th century. This formal portrait would have been carefully arranged, a common practice of the time to document the early years of a member of the royal family. It offers a window into the past, showcasing the style of children’s clothing among the aristocracy, as well as the customs surrounding royal portraiture. Queen Mary, even as a child, had a certain regal bearing, a quality captured by the photographer in this enduring image. It’s a visual record that speaks to the heritage and continuity of the British monarchy.

Her Majesty Queen Mary when she was Princess Mary of Teck: a photograph taken in 1882

This photograph captures Her Majesty Queen Mary when she was known as Princess Mary of Teck, taken in the year 1882. It shows the young princess adorned in the fashion of the Victorian era, with a sense of elegance and poise. Holding a bouquet of flowers, Princess Mary’s attire and her confident stance are indicative of her royal upbringing and the decorum expected of royalty during that period. The image presents her at a time before she would become queen, offering a personal look at her life as part of the British royal family during the 19th century. This portrait would be of considerable interest to historians and enthusiasts of royal history, reflecting the styles and customs of the time.

The Queen as a young woman: Her Majesty in 1887 when she was twenty

The image portrays Queen Mary as a young woman of twenty years in 1887. Her attire, featuring a high-collared dress adorned with buttons, and her hat decorated with flowers, reflects the fashion sensibilities of the late Victorian era. Her expression and demeanor convey a sense of the responsibility and grace she would have been expected to embody as a member of the royal family. This photograph would provide insight into her early years as an adult, just before the turn of the century, showcasing the personal style and composure of the future queen during a time of significant cultural and historical shifts.

The Queen soon after her debut in society: a portrait of about 1887

This portrait from around 1887 captures Queen Mary just after her introduction to society, a significant coming-of-age moment for young women of her status during the Victorian era. The term “debut” refers to the formal introduction of upper-class young women to society, often signaling their eligibility for marriage.

Her attire, with its intricate details and fitted silhouette, is typical of the late Victorian fashion, emphasising both grace and the social expectations of a young lady of her rank. The posture and the way she holds the bouquet suggest a formality and readiness to assume her role in the public eye. This image is a representation of a pivotal time in Queen Mary’s life, marking her transition from private adolescence to public adulthood.

The Queen on her wedding day, July 6, 1893: Her Majesty as a bride

This image depicts Queen Mary on her wedding day, July 6, 1893, radiating the timeless elegance befitting her role as Her Majesty. The bridal attire, complete with delicate floral embellishments and a classic pearl necklace, highlights the fashion of the late 19th century, epitomising the grace and poise of a queen on one of the most significant days of her life. This photograph captures the personal joy and historical significance of the day, as it marks the beginning of her journey not just as a wife to the future King George V but also as a consort to the monarch, poised to take her place in history.

Her Majesty with a dog which she owned in the ‘Eighties’

This photograph captures a more relaxed and personal moment in the life of Her Majesty, with her pet dog from the 1880s. It shows a softer side of the Queen, one that shares in the universal joy and companionship that pets provide. The image is endearing, illustrating the human side of royalty and a love for animals that transcends status. Her casual yet poised stance, along with the dog’s attentive look, suggests a bond and comfort in each other’s presence. This snapshot into her private life adds a layer of relatability to her historic persona.

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